Sunday, February 18, 2024

Prayer Matters


    Prayer gives you access to God, the creator of all living things.  He holds power that is beyond anything we could imagine.  He only uses a fraction of it to create life.  He speaks and it happens.  He is bigger than anything we have experiences and we have access to Him on a personal level through prayer.  Prayer matters.  How you pray matters.
    When you pray in acceptance of Jesus and invite the Holy Spirit to live in your heart, then you have access to God in your life.  When you pray in Jesus' name, you are asking God permission to do something you could not do on your own.  You ask for the army of the unseen spiritual world to fight the battles that you would not win without them.  
    Use Jesus' name out loud in faith and it will send Satan and his demons away.  If gives your mind clarity and confidence as you stop believing Satan's lies.  Faith in Jesus on the cross and all that happened after enables you to truly forgive yourself for all the horrible things you did against him before you accepted the truth.  
    Faithful prayer will get rid of self-doubt and self-consciousness to be replaced with humble self confidence.  We don't deserve all that God does for us and should be grateful to be a part of His family.  Prayer aligns your heart to see your value in proper perspective.  You are special, but no more special than anyone else.
    Speaking out in prayer will give you boldness that you never had before.  It is not arrogant like the world will declare, but confidence in the truth.  Approach God with confidence and you will approach the world and it's problems with boldness.  Jesus understands your problems, weaknesses, and fears.  He is listening on your behalf.  He relates to what you are going through and is providing mercy.
    Jesus made God relatable when he came into the world as a human.  He was real.  People were able to touch him, talk to him, and listen to him without fear.  Jesus is the world's best gift and the world never has appreciated it.  He enabled us to be able to have a real and intimate relationship with God.  Salvation provides a personal relationship where your prayers are actual conversations.  
    Pray in confidence because God will answer.  Jesus is your high priest.  He will guide you through the Holy Spirit.  He commands you to be bold in your life.  Ask for big things and watch what He does with it to show Himself to you and others around you.  Be bold in your prayer to see how other people will turn to God by seeing your faith lived out.
    Do not be afraid to approach God in prayer.  Do not hesitate to talk to Him because it is probably the very thing you need most in the moment.  Being bold is not being arrogant.  Pride has no place in prayers, but boldness is expected.  Pride is disrespectful, but boldness is revealing confidence in what God can do.  Do not be indifferent when you pray, but seek to be closer to God.

Matthew 6:5-15 & 26:40-46, Mark 11:22-26, Luke 18:9-14, John 15: 5-8, & Hebrews 4:14-16

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