Saturday, February 17, 2024

Why Does Prayer Matter?

    Prayer is a direct correlation to your relationship with God.  That does not mean that your prayers have to be smooth, suave, well said, or sound educated.  In all reality it is probably more of the opposite.  It is a genuine conversations with God as a friend, companion, savior, and Lord.  It should hold respect, love, worship, but also be as real as you would talk to a real friend.
    Prayer begins as a mental exercise.  If you never prayed before, then it will not come natural.  It will feel awkward.  You may feel stupid or out of place the first time you pray out loud.  Ignore all that.  Ignore the people that may be listening.  The prayer needs to be from your heart seeking to connect with God.  That is all that matters: you connecting with God.
    Prayer is not just you speaking to God.  It is a gift to hear back from God.  It may be a voice in your head that sounds a lot like your own voice.  That is because the Holy Spirit lives in you and wants you to know God's voice above all others.  God may speak through others.  He may give you physical confirmation or redirection, but he always will answer a humbled and honest heart prayer.
    Prayer matters because you do connect with your creator.  The approach you take in prayer will affect the level of efficiency in the communication.  Purity, honest, humble, and loving prayers get to God a lot quicker than the proud, haughty, and entitled prayers.  Do you seek God to just make life better or do you seek to be close to God no matter what life gives you?  That is the defining attitude of your prayers.
    Your prayers are sent up through the Holy Spirit to Jesus to communicate to God.  It may sound like a lot of channels, but it is instantaneous.  There is not miscommunication because the Holy Spirit may not use your words, but He does use your heart, mind, and emotions behind the words to communicate on your behalf.
    Jesus is the only way to God.  His sacrifice that gave you salvation is what gives you free access to God.  Without Jesus, then there is no access.  When you pray in the Name of Jesus you unleash the power of the identity of Jesus, but you have to use it in true faith.  Words are just words if you don't have faith to back them up.
    There is value in the name of Jesus.  He represents what power is.  The name of Jesus holds power for your prayers to make them happen.  His name holds the power of God.  You can't destroy it.  You can't deny it to make it untrue.  It is as real as the world that we live in.  You know it is real for that truth.
    You will never understand or appreciate the power of prayer unless you understand the Old Testament and how God used people's prayers to redirect life events.  You have to understand sacrifice to understand prayer.  If you don't understand sacrifice, then you can't understand what Jesus did for you.
    When you insult Jesus or deny who he is, you are trying to go around him to get your way.  You will not go to Heaven unless you go through Him.  If you don't know Jesus, then God will not know you.  Jesus' mortal life being murdered shamelessly was the factor that removed the barrier people had from God.  However you have to do through his blood to get to God.  It is the only way.
    Jesus is the power to get access to God.  The Holy Spirit is your mediator.  Together with them, your prayers hold the power of Heaven.  That is why you pray in the name of Jesus.  That is why prayer matters.  You get free access to God.  You are exposed for who you are.  You are nothing without salvation and prayer.  God is welcoming you to come to Him.  Jesus went the extra miles to meet you.  All you have to do is accept, embrace, and live it.

Exodus 20:1-21, Matthew 27:50-53, John 14:1-13, & Romans 8:26-30

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