Friday, February 16, 2024

Fighting the Temptation


    We all are tempted.  I think we are tempted on some level everyday.  It may depend on how much you rely on God or pushing to be close to Him on if it phases you everyday.  What I do know is that we all have our struggles in different aspects of our lives due to temptation.  Some have given in to temptation for so long that they have sin strongholds.  
    Sin strongholds are so common for some people that they don't even see it as sin.  It is just a part of who they are.  They are wrong.  You need to see sin as sin.  You need to understand that sin and it's strongholds always begins with a simple temptation.  That is what you need to fight against and Jesus showed us how.
    When you are tempted turn to prayer.  If you are not sure if it is temptation or just something feels off, then turn to prayer.  You will never go wrong if you turn to prayer, listen for God's response, and follow His direction.  He hears your cries when temptation causes anguish.  
    God just wants you to turn to Him instead of the temptation.  Tell Him your pain, thoughts, and feelings because He genuinely cares.  He is not pretending to care like Satan who is actually planning you to fail.  He wants to see you suffer, so don't give him the satisfaction.
    Prayer leads to revelation in your life.  That is why it is such a strong weapon in fighting against temptation.  It is how you get to know God better, so you understand what you are fighting against more clearly.  Prayer is being attentive to God's design for your life and your relationship with Him.  You can be completely honest with Him in ways you may never be with other people.  You should give Him what troubles you because He will resolve them one way or another.
    God is reliable.  He is the refuge, a safe place, a sanctuary for all who seek Him.  It is better to run to God than to run away from Him because He is trustworthy and reliable.  He is true safety.  He is sufficient to provide what you need in every aspect of life.  Use the discernment that He gives to see reality.
    God is powerful.  He can deliver your from things that you can't imagine ever finding an out.  He can even rescue you from yourself if you let Him.  He will defeat your foes if you allow Him.  If you try to take control, then He will take over after you fail.  However at that point you will have trauma and scars.  He is bigger than your problems, so just let Him take over the things that you can't control anyway.
    God is good.  You should praise and give Him thanks everyday for all that He has done and is doing in your life.  It all starts with talking to God.  Prayer is a conversation with God.  How incredible is that?  The one that created you wants a genuine and healthy relationship.  He is not domineering or controlling.  
    God gave you free will, so do not put your shortcomings on Him.  Instead confess your sins and speak truth to yourself and Him.  Truth hold power that is life giving and liberating.  It rises you above your circumstances to see beyond right now.  It will help you escape the sin strongholds.
    You have two choices.  One accept what God is offering (the truth).  The other is to accept your demise and give into eternal sin and where it takes you.  The story of the parodical son is a great example of the truth that God will meet you where you are at and bring help you get to where you where you really want to be.
    When you stop praying is when you become extra vulnerable in the world.  You may not realize it, but it reveals that you have given up hope.  We need hope to fight against temptation.  A life without prayer leads you to the darkest places in your life.  Prayer reveals God's promises.  It give s you life through those promises.  Do not stop praying.  Do not stop fighting.  Do not get tired of fighting the good fight because you have purpose and you just need to see that.

Luke 15:11-31. 1 Corinthians 10:12-13, 2 Corinthians 5: 18-21, & Ephesians 6:10-17

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