Thursday, February 15, 2024

Do I fall for Despair?


    Do you go through life without thinking about what influences, affect, or triggers you?  We need to seek to understand ourselves to be able to live a better life.  We have to seek God to truly understand who we are and what keeps us from being our true self in His image.  If we do not understand what temptations trip us up, then we will never be able to step over them.
    When it comes to despair, it normally is deep rooted in you.  If you tend to despair you may think you are only down a lot, depressed, or it is just life.  That is part of Satan's lies.  You need to ask yourself some triggering questions and be honest about how you feel.  Do you feel like no one cares?  Do you feel like there is no escape in life?  Do you believe that no one would care if you died?  If your answer is not a moody, but a true yes, to any of these then despair has it's grips on you.  
    You have fallen for Satan's lies and he is now in your head.  Now you understand that, what can you do to get him out?  Turn to God's word.  Pray that God puts people in your life that will help you see just how special you are.  Use God's word to sanctify your mind and send Satan out.  Once you stop believing his lies, then lock the door and double chain it.  Do not give him room to influence you mind.
    Despair is the complete loss or absence of hope.  Who wants to live a life with no hope.  It is a battle that needs to be had.  It starts by putting the spotlight of truth on the lies that Satan is tainting your mind.  The lies start small: you are not attractive, you look fat or too skinny today, no one wants to be around you.  Once you start listening to those doubt entering lies, then Satan has his in to your mind and control over how you see yourself.
    Satan works hard to make you believe that you do not matter.  He wants you to think you have no significance in the world.  He wants you to think that when God closes doors to direct your path that you are being rejected.  That is not true. God is just redirecting you toward something better.  You are important to God.  You are not overlooked.  He sees you and loves you.
    Satan wants you to question your worth.  He wants you to fall for all kinds of sins so that you will listen to him when he says you stripped your own worth, you are cheapened, useless, or no good.  If you try to keep yourself pure and live a holy life, then he may attack your mind by making you think that you are obsolete, outdated, or feel intense loneliness where you will crack and sin.  
    If you fall for Satan's lie, then you can pick yourself back up with God's help.  You are not as alone as you may think.  The thing is that Satan doesn't want you to see that truth. He depends on you falling repeatedly because the more you fail the more he has control.  He doesn't want you to know that you can break the cycle.  It is hard in the beginning, but it does get easier.
    Take a look at your childhood.  When was it that you first started to believe the self-sabotaging lies that trigger you to sin now?  You have to dig all the way back to destroy the roots.  Do not blame your parents because they were just like you.  They were doing the best they could with what they had.  If they stuck around and fought for you to grow up, then they did their best.
    After you sort through your past, then you need to clean up your present.  It will be a dirty mess because everything has been brought to the light and put at Jesus' feet at the cross.  Now you need to evaluate who you are now.  Examine your relationships.  Prayerfully remove the people that are toxic from your life.  Pray for them, but remove them from being able to tell you that your are less than you are.
    Your life will never get better if you refuse to face the truth.  If you stay in the same cycle then there is no escape.  You will also fail if you try to face this alone.  You need God.  You need a healthy and Godly supportive people in your life.  You need to invest into other people too.
    Stop believing that you are unlovable.  God tells you throughout the Bible that you are precious to Him.  He loves you.  Stop being afraid of revealing who you are to the people who are supposed to love you.  Be as transparent as you can be and God will reveal the right people to be in your life.  Be a safe person to be able to have safe people in your life.
    Do not give too much of your time and attention to the people that will only love you for as long as you are willing to give them what they need.  They don't really love you, they use you.  Start with learning how to love yourself.  Pray to God to show you how He loves you, so that you can start using that to love yourself.
    Your body is not your true self.  Your soul is your true identity.  It is unchanging, distinct, eternal, and essential to who you are.  If you soul does not have the Holy Spirit in it, then you will never be able to see your true value.  Who cares about popularity, fashion, or external beauty if you have God living as a part of your soul.  Hear Him when He tells you that you are loved.

Psalm 43, Ecclesiastes 2:18-26, 2 Corinthians  4: 8-17, Philippians 4:6-7, & James 1: 2-4

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