Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Death Penalty


    Sin leads to the death penalty.  Death is an angel that we all will face one day.  Some of us will face him sooner than others, but we all will die because we have all sinned.  It may sound daunting, but there is hope.  Soften your heart, have faith in Jesus, and start following Him.  You will find yourself in Heaven when you die, but you have to do it on His terms.  He will not allow sin to enter heaven.
    Jesus is the liberation from bondage.  We got an example of freedom when Moses faced the Pharoah with the 10 plagues.  The Pharaoh's heart never did soften, but Moses was truly free for obeying God even when he never wanted that responsibility.  His faithfulness liberated God's people.
    God took what the hard hearted valued most: money, wealth, comfort, and beauty and left them to feel like it did for their slaves over generations.  God did this to show everyone who He is.  He was giving the Egyptians the chance to follow Him.  They chose to stay on their own path.
    Moses became the leader of what would become the Jewish nation.  He did not know where he was leading the people, but he was following God.  He did not know how long the journey would take, what they would need, or anything.  He just decided to be obedient and follow God.  That is faith in action.  If he had not, then they would all had died in Egypt.  Moses showed the people the way to freedom.  It was their choice to follow.
    They left after the 10th plague struck.  The number of the dead people and animals was too great to count.  It was the death penalty plague.  It was meant to be costly.  The only reason the Hebrews did not suffer is because they listened to God's warning and did as He commanded.
    To follow Jesus out of the death penalty that leads to hell means you have to walk by faith and not feeling.  Things in life will not always go your way.  It won't always make sense.  You have to trust in the truth of God's Word and not the circumstances.  We have to follow God's instructions even when we do not understand.  We have to trust Him even when it goes against what we want. 
    God's people did not have the Bible back then.  The journey of humanity had not been written down at this time.  It was all based on faith.  How much more blessed are we that we can go back and find the truth in God's Word?
    The Passover of the angel of Death is a forever covenant that was ensured by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.  It is something that we still remember and should celebrate because it leads us to salvation and liberation through Jesus.  
    Do not ignore the truth.  You don't have to like it, but don't pretend it is not there.  God is clear.  He has made Himself known.  He has always been steadfast, so His Word has not changed.  No one can get around the truth of salvation.  You accept it and have the key to eternity with God or you ignore it and face the eternal death penalty.

Genesis 9:5-7, Exodus 12-13, Matthew 5: 21-22, & Romans 13:1-5

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