Friday, March 29, 2024

Staying on Track


    You can't escape the reach of God.  If you are on the tracks trying to gain momentum to get as far from Him as possible, then you are wasting time and energy.  You are working against your own best interest.  When you get on the tracks, you want to stay on.  That means proper preparation and making sure you are steady, balanced, and wheels are ready to go.
    God will use discipline not to punish you exactly, but to bring you to the point of repentance.  He is the good father.  He disciplines you because He loves you and hates sin.  He wants you to be successful in your life journey, so He will help you in any way He can even if it is in the form of discipline.  He does it because He is faithful to you.  If you accept God's discipline, then it build good character and a steadfastness in you.   The other option is to run from God and that does not work.
    Jesus calls you by name to make sure that you are on your life track.  It does you no good if you are on someone else's track.  It would only lead to collision and having to spend a lot of time and effort to get back to your track.  You only get damaged in the process.  He wants to help you avoid collisions when possible.  No matter what, God is always there.  He will always find His people and take care of them.
    Learn the lessons that God is giving you.  They are for your benefit.  They may be life saving tools in your life journey.  The wisdom that He gives you will keep you on your track, so you can avoid detours and other people's collisions.  It will give you strong stamina and momentum to face life with focus.
    God does miracles and spectacular things, but you will find Him more often in the small details of life.  He rarely yells or raises His voice.  He speaks softly, so you have to be alert and listening to hear His voice above all the noise in your life.  You have to be listening to hear God in the way that He chooses to reveal Himself to you today.  It will not be the same everyday.  
    Nature bows down to God.  They know the voice of their creator.  If nature and science itself understands God so matter of fact, then why do people struggle so much?  Animals seek God, but they are under the control of man.  If people do not command and lead animals, then they are innocent victims to Satan.  Even then, they understand and seek God.  Humans are the only ones that fight against the nature of God.
    Stop fighting God.  Do not choose to be an enemy of God, but instead accept His control.  Choose to follow Him.  Be content in how He chooses to reveal Himself to you.  He loves you.  He wants you to succeed on your track of life.  He is there to help you and guide you.  Why would you fight against that?  Accept His offer and find joy in following Him to stay on track.  All you have to do is trust and obey Him and you will not head into destruction.  

1 Kings 19:11-13, Psalm 139:7-12, Proverbs 19:20-23, Matthew 8:10-13, & Philippians 3:15-21

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