Monday, April 29, 2024

Creationism Day 1: Part 4


    God took steps when creating the world and the universe that surrounds our world.  The Holy Spirit moved over the world,  He has always been connected to the world and people.  After Jesus came to this world, died, resurrected, and ascended, the Holy Spirit is what began to live in true Christians.  He is what convicts us of our sins.  He hovers over us like he did the world on day one.  He is our guide and safety in this world.
    The world was formless when God created light and separated it from darkness.  In doing this God created time.  It is called day and night.  When we are people of the world we live in the night, but once we become Christians we step into the day.  Time starts to have a new meaning.  The Holy Spirit is the light that shines within us.
    God spoke all of creation into existence.  Jesus was always there with Him.  Jesus always held authority over life.  He holds the creation together.  The Holy Spirit has always been involved in the quiet places.  It is recorded in God's Word.  When God speaks, things happen.  All that God created is beautiful.  You believe that or you don't.  It doesn't change the truth.  
    Light is what shines and gives warmth to life.  Dawn and dusk are where light and dark meet showing that darkness is not evil.  It is what happens in the darkness that can be evil.  In the darkness you can find rest, restoration, and rejuvenation.  In the light you find healing, energy, and life.  Both should be appreciated and enjoyed in honor of God and the gifts that He gave us.  They should be enjoyed and respect (maintained) at the same time.  Take care of what God has given you.
    The lost have to see the light before they will step out of the darkness.  Jesus is the light that illuminates hearts.  It is his light that gives our hearts quality of life.  God commands the light and we are to obey, so that His light will shine through us.

Genesis 1:1-5, Psalm 139:13-16, Ecclesiastes 3:9-13, John 16:5-11, Romans 10:16-18, & Colossians 1:15-20

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