Sunday, April 28, 2024

Creationism Day 1: Part 3


    On the first day of creation, God created the heavens and the earth.  There was no distinction, but different matter in the dark void.  So, He created light to assist with time.   Then He separated the darkness from light.  The time of light is day and the time of darkness is night.  In making this distinction, God created time, so day one is the beginning of time.
    Time has always consisted on 24 hours, but it may have been determined differently in the earlier years.   God began creation with organization and beauty put together and that is good.  He was getting everything ready for people to be able to live comfortably with Him in this world.  Nothing good happens without organization and getting things set up to happen a certain way.
    God choosing to set up time with light and dark was not mistake.  It is the beginning step of making His perfect world.  All light comes from God.  Darkness is not evil, but it works with light to help people see beauty, find rest, and able to tell time.  Dawn and evening are spectacular events that happen everyday, but are so short.  You have to stop to even notice.  The twilight of the day is like a kiss on the cheek from God.  It is like you get to see a glimpse into the divine, but only if you stop to appreciate it.
    Time and light create a picture of Jesus and the salvation process.  Jesus' life is what brought a new life giving light into our lives.  His sacrifice and resurrection parallels with creation, but this time it is a spiritual creation.  Without Jesus, there is a void in all of our lives where no light can reach until we turn to him.
    Just like we did not exist until God made us, our salvation from the evil (that invaded God's perfect world) did not exist.  We were spiritually dead until we found Jesus.  God is the only one that can ever fill the void within people.  Just like the darkness covered the world until God created light, we are alienated from God until we turn to Jesus.  Jesus is the true light that lives within His people.  Just like God separated the darkness from light, one day He will separate His people from the worldly people.

Genesis 1:1-5,  Psalm 18:25-29, 2 Corinthians 5:16-17, Ephesians 2:1-3, & 1 John 1:3-11

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