Saturday, April 20, 2024

Science & the Bible


    I am not a scientist, but I enjoy learning about science.  I love God and reading His Word, so I get excited when science is unmanipulated to back up the Bible.  If people approach science with an open mind and no agenda, then it will back up what God has done.  It even van provided solid theories on how some things happened.  Science and theology can work together.
    If the world was created by the big band, then God is the catalyst that made that big bang happen.  An asteroid did not come and destroy the dinosaurs.  If that had actually happened, then there would be no life left.  If you really study the dinosaurs and how all the fossils basically look, it reveals that it looks like they drowned.  That backs up the flood.
    God created the world and all life in it in six days.  For God, that is taking His time to enjoy the process.  How many times do we get excited about doing something or going somewhere and then be happy when it is done, but never enjoy the process?  It is a serious problem because it downplays life events and accomplishments.  We need to take the time to enjoy life.  That is one of the first lessons that God taught us.
    God created the 24 hour day with night to give us a way to keep time.  Time is irrelevant to God in the grand scheme of things.  He knew that we would need something to help us with a routine.  People like their routines and they are hard to break.  Time is one of the best gifts that God gave everyone.  We all have the same amount of time in a day.  It is more valuable than anything.  It reveals what really matters to you in life.
    If you approach the creation of the world scientifically with the Bible, then it destroys the evolution theory.  God's opening sentence to the world states that He is the one that laid the foundation of the world, built the world, and gave it life.  Later, He goes on to warn people about playing God and trying to mutate or manipulate life.  We were never supposed to play with genes codes or splicing seeds.  It created short term solutions, but caused generational problems.
    The Bible contains 66 books.  There are 1,189 chapters.  In the old testament there are 23,243 versus.  He gave this to us so we can get to know God and why he commands us to live the way He does.  It is all about getting to know Him, building a relationship, and learning how to live a full and  thriving life with Him.
    Genesis is only the beginning.  You need to understand Genesis to truly understand the rest of the Bible.  It is the key to understand the impact of what Jesus did.  It helps us understand what is still to come.  It answers the who, what, where, when, and how questions to be backed by science.  The why is answered in the other 65 books.
    Existence of the world, life, and humans is about time, force, action, space, and matter.  This is what makes up life, but God is the one that make that exist.  You do not need a degree or to be a scientist to understand that theology answers all the major questions about creation.

Genesis 1, Proverbs 14:14-16, Jeremiah 31:35-37, & Colossians 1:15-20

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