Saturday, May 18, 2024

Bible as a Whole Book


    The Bible holds something for everyone.  It provides our origin story.  It has poetry, metaphors, analogies, truth, predictions, action, romance, horror, and the future.  The Bible hold everything you need to live in this world.  It is all comprehensive from Genesis to Revelations.
    The world was created in six actual days.  That means six 24 hour periods back to back.  God rested to enjoy what He created on the seventh day, but it was more to teach us how to appreciate life and all He has given us.
    When you are reading God's book, you need to be praying over what you read.  Don't just read the stories, but study them to see what the Holy Spirit will reveal to you personally.  It doesn't matter where you start, but you can't fully understand the new testament if you have not studied the old testament.  In the new testament there are over 100 references to the Genesis.
    The Bible starts with our origin, then the law, then history, then poetry, then the prophets.  The testament contains the gospels, letters to how to build a church and hold each other accountable, then the future.  Jesus even quoted the creation account in the gospel.  You have to believe in the truth about the world we live in to really understand how much you need Jesus and be able to step out on faith.
    Adam brough death into the world, but Jesus brought a new life.  Adam caused the first curse to be placed in God's perfect world.  Jesus brought a way to break free from the eternal curse.  Life is more than waiting for your punishment or eternal judgment.  Life needs to be enjoyed, cherished, have purpose.  Life should be a pursuit to be closer to Jesus.
    The Bible unifies all of who God is and what He has done for all His creations, especially people.  It holds integrity.  It should be constantly referenced to stay on track and to find understanding.  For an example, the flood was a global event that changed the face of the world.  It was a chance for life to start over, but sin already had it's hooks even in the righteous.  We never get it quite right, but we need to recognize where we went wrong, repent, and move forward.
    The Bible is a historical narrative that supports what we find in science today.  The flood pancaked dinosaurs and other dead animals under soil, sandstone, and more.  That is why we have fossils and the elements didn't destroy every trace of life before the flood.
    You can see the elements of what erosion does today in the Monument Valley in Utah.  The Grand Canyon is miles of missing rock.  The flood reshaped the world.  Africa was one single erosion event.  It is believed that the world was all one piece of land until the flood.  It shows the power of God's wrath.  Death and judgement are ugly.  It is not something we can afford to ignore. 
    We all have the opportunity to survive eternal judgment.  The other side of the ugly is all the beauty.  Salvation comes through Jesus.  He is the only way.  Your path may look different from anyone else, but He is the only way to eternity with God.
    Find these truths in the Bible.  Look in the Bible for answers to the questions that you have.  Don't stop there.  Don't keep it to yourself.  Share what you discover.  Not everything you live through or learn is just for you.  God may use you to connect with someone else.  Have conversations, Podcast, group chats, church, and more.  It doesn't matter how you connect with God and other people.  What matters is that you do connect and live our your faith.

Genesis 2:15-17, Mark 10:5-9, John 3:10-17, Romans 5:12-17, 8:18-25, & Revelations 21:3-4

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