Sunday, May 19, 2024

Creation of Humans Part 1


    Humans were the last thing to be created on the sixth day.  People are the center of God's creative genius.  Since the curse that people brought upon the world, all things will die.  However, God made people different.  Our souls will live for eternity.
    The heavens will disappear.  The world will be destroyed.  All plant life and animals will die.  Our bodies will perish, but our souls are ever lasting.  Once created, they can never be destroyed.  They can be hurt, crushed, and more, but never destroyed.
    God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the only ones that are eternal.  That means they have no beginning and no end.  They have the power of create, erase, and destroy.  We just need to remember that when God does ultimately destroy all of His creations, that He will have something else prepared for His people and a place for everyone else.
    God created people with a purpose.  Every single person is unified in this one purpose: give God the glory.  If we live by faith and give God the glory for all that we have, then we will experience the new heaven and the new earth.  Chronicle of Narnia gave a description to make it understandable in a simplistic way.  
        People are created in God's image.  He has placed a special stamp of ownership on people, but since we all have given ourselves over to Satan's temptations we have to find out way back to Him.  He meets us over half way.  Jesus came to redeem us.  In return we should give him constant adoration and glory.  In return he gave us salvation, grace, mercy, and love.
    Humanism is an insult to what God has done.  It makes it out like we are lucky to be humans and not some other life form.  We are not a natural phenomenon.  We were created to be who we are: living image of God.  Humanism removes the supernatural and replaces it with nonsense that eliminates what makes us special.  For an example a person has no more value than an ant.  God created us to have more value than any living thing.
    If you do not look at your life as God's creation, then you don't understand your value.  It leads to a poor self image.  You may think that you need to become your own god and start making "correction".  You have to see yourself through God's eyes to see your importance, beauty, value, and loved.
    God created man.  All of His creations were good, but humans are very good.  Who we are is very good because we are in His image.  Before we brought sin into the world, everything was perfect.  There was no death.  No discomfort.  We lived in harmony with the world, animals, and God.  That is what we are striving to get back to.

Genesis 1:26-31, 2:7, Psalm 8:3-8, & 2 Peters 3:8-13

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