Sunday, May 26, 2024

How Satan Gets Our Attention


    Satan has a process on how to get you to take your focus away from Jesus.  He knows how to play you.  He is smart and we give him power, but God is the creator of all that is good.  God is more powerful than Satan.  God always gives you a way out of a situation.  You just have to want to avoid sinning.
    Since the banishment (the fall) of Adam and Eve from Eden, it has been human nature to seek what we want over a relationship with God.  We are all born into a sin nature.  God wants to give us what we need and bless us with abundance, but we get in our own way.  We see temptation and gravitate toward it, whatever it may be for you.  If we give into the temptation, then Satan is the victor in that battle.
    You can claim victory over sin once you accept the gift of salvation.  Salvation releases you from the chains of sin.  You have to accept it and claim it.  Then you have to find people to be accountability partners because none of us will succeed all the time on our own.  
    God gives you all you need to be victorious over sin.  Turning your back on the enemy is never smart because it leaves you vulnerable, but fleeing Satan is smart.  God will provide angels to protect your escape.  He never will leave you alone to suffer alone.
    No one alive understands what the world is like without temptation.  None of us are victorious 100% of the time, but we need to give it over to God and seek forgiveness every time we fail God.  No one that ever lived knew what it was like to live without Satan and his legion of deception, but if you choose to have a relationship with God and obedience to Him, then one day you will.  Until then we try keep the spiritual window clean so we can see clearly.  The day we enter Heaven the constant cleaning will stop.
    Satan has a process.  He gets your attention with what tempts you.  It will always start with something that seems innocent, so that you will take the bite.  Once you do it once, then you rationalize that it is not so bad and become defensive if someone tells you otherwise.  Over time sin becomes normal and it is weird not to be a part of whatever your sin is rooted in.  It starts in the mind, become okay, and then you act.  Then you will do anything to make it where that is okay and you will not hear any different until you allow the Holy Spirit to convict you of the truth.
    When Satan gets your attention, it is with something very desirable to you even if you never realized that it was something that you wanted.  That first inkling of temptation is when you will get a nudge that something is not right or out of place.  You have an opportunity to listen to the conviction of the Holy Spirit or to ignore it.  Temptation is always enticing and it makes doing what is right look wrong, so you need discernment.  If discernment is something you have to work toward, then start praying for it today.
    Satan is a cunning snake.  His temptation is his bite and it is deadly.  Once you take the bite, the blame game is normally what comes next.  Adam blamed Eve.  Eve blamed Satan.  Satan was who he always has been and it was basically blaming God for making us.
    Satan is a great dragon.  He is powerful, but his war against God impacts us.  We are the causalities of war. Satan wants to hurt us to hurt God.  God wants to keep us safe.  It is our choice on who you will follow, but you will follow one or the other.
    Satan is the father of deception.  He is the solicitor of evil.  To follow him is to fall in the trap of corruption, shrewdness, lying, deception, murder, cunning, and more evil.  He invented them all and will use all those evils and more to destroy you.
    Satan is not hiding.  He just hides his true intentions.  He makes himself look good and like he is your best option, but once he has you he has all the control over you.  Eve opened the door for Satan to enter all of our lives, but we all are accountable for allowing him any control in our own life.
    You resist Satan by not opening the door to him.  Put on your armor of God everyday and tend to your weak spots.  Pray to God to reveal any blind spots and to provide protection where you cannot.  Fight Satan's lies with scripture.  Make sure that you spend more time with God than the world so that your worldview does not become eschewed.  
    Don't forget who you are really battling.  Satan is polite when he is placing doubt in your mind.  He will use half truths to manipulate your feelings.  He loves to twist theology into something dark.  His classic move is the trojan horse. If you are prepared, then you can see it for what it is, but if you are not then it is easy to become his victim.

Genesis 3:1-13, Isaiah 14:12-17, Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 8:16-18, & Revelations 20:1-3

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