Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sin Entered the World


    Life without sin is not something that any of us know.  That is part of the problem.  We sin so easily.  It may even be innocently, but we all fall for temptation at times.  We all fall short of God's standards.  If it was not Adam and Even, then it would have been on of their children.  
    Satan is the master manipulator.  He can't read your mind, but he does notice patterns.  If you say certain things out loud, then he can use those things against you.  His purpose is to cause as much destruction in your life and even death.  If we didn't have God's angels fighting and protecting us on the spiritual level, can you imagine how much worse things could be?
    The pattern is that Satan sees where you may be wishing for more or not taking care of your soul in a certain area.  He places temptation in front of you to try to make you fall.   He is also persistent.  He throws temptation at us every day, so if you think you did well yesterday, then you need to be super aware today.
    Satan has a process.  That is why we need to understand how to live victorious.  It is not a trick.  It is quite simple really.  Keep your focus on God and obey Him willingly.  It is so simple, yet so hard to do all day everyday.  We get distracted so easily.
    God is in the details.  He knows what is wrong with the world, but He has a plan.  Sometimes He will allow really bad things to happen to fulfill that plan.  The world we live in today is not the world that God intended, but He was prepared for our foolishness.  God created perfection and we made it go very wrong.  It is not God's fault.  It is all humanities fault.
    Adam was the first man to ever live.  Eve was the first woman to ever exist.  They lived together married, innocent, and naive in the Garden of Eden.  The original place of perfection.  Satan is the father of lies.  He invented temptation.  He stands for everything that is opposite of God.  
    Satan used temptation to entice Adam and Eve into sin.  They were innocent and did not think what they were doing was bad.  After all Satan made God's one rule seem so trivial.  It doesn't matter, they still sinned and we all followed in their foot steps.
    Sin is when an individual disobeys God's commands, ordinances, or rules.  It stem from the individual not trusting in God in a certain area.  It reveals that the individual does not take God serious about consequences.  
    Adam and Eve believed Satan when he said that they would not die from eating from the forbidden tree.  Their life was not taken immediately, but their soul connection to God did.  They were banished from His presence and His perfect garden.  They never got to be in His presence again until they got to Heaven.
    The original sin brough death to all living things.  Plants now die.  Animals began to die, became food, and sacrifices to pay the wages of sin for people.  People who would have lived eternally in peace now had to fight to survive and still die one day.  Something that seems so harmless changed everything for the worse.  It took away the freedom of people.

Genesis 3:1-7, Romans 5:12-21

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