Friday, May 24, 2024

Marriage God's Way


    God designed marriage the moment that He made Eve from Adam.  He wanted a man to have a partner in his wife like the partnership he had with God be fore the fall.  The wife brought companionship, friendship, solace, and comfort.  The woman has needs to.  The relationship with her husband should bring her security in the world like her relationship with God brings her comfort and security.  It is a partnership.  It doesn't work unless they work together.
    A marriage is having someone to talk to about every aspect of life, not just certain things.  It is a covenantal relationship where the man and woman is bound to each other for as long as they both live or longer if the survivor wishes that.  The reason for marriage is the coventantal helper in life.  The responsibility should never fall solely on one person.  Cooperation can be a challenge, but you are directed to try and find a way to work through sex, scultueral, opinion, and other issues that will pop up in the marriage.
    When you marry the person that God has led you to, then you find your completion by finding your perfect fit.  I am not saying you should have a codependent relationship.  You should be a complete person on your own before you get married, but that means you rely on God.  You can be a whole person and find that perfect fit.  It just means you will not be a burden on your spouse.  That you will be a partner and make the load easier for each other.
    Marriage depends on good communication skills.  You may think you communicate well, but marriage will take it to a new level.  There never needs to be any secrets between you because your spouse is your best friend.  
    We can't forget God's part in marriage.  He is the designer, mediator, surgeon, healer, and counselor.  He took Adam's rib which means he opened Adam up and healed him.  God used Adam's bone and flesh to make Eve.  God made Eve to be strong.  The rib is also close to the heart, so that Adam would cherish Eve.  They were united with God.  If your marriage is united with God, then it is unbreakable.  If it breaks, then it is because one of you pushed God out.
    The wedding is not the marriage.  Do not focus so much on one day, but what your future can look like.  However, the wedding is important.  God presented Eve to Adam and it was a beautiful event even if it was only had three beings there (Adam, Eve, and God).  Weddings are a celebration of waiting on God's timing and working hard to stay pure for your spouse.  When you do it God's way, then you are equally yoked meaning that the marriage will be strong and you can face anything together.
    If you go into a marriage without God's blessing, then you can't expect an easy marriage.  If one is a Christian and the other is not, then you are unequally yoked.  You will run into problem after problem problem because your world views, values, and morals will differ.  Raising children together would be a struggle.
    Marriage is uniting one man to one woman.  According to God, no other marriage will be acknowledged.  If you become a widow or widower and remarry, that is still one man and one woman.  To be united means that you put your spouse above everyone else because it is in your own best interest.  That means they are more important than your job, parent, children, siblings, friends, your selfishness, or anything else you may love or depend on.  Do not let these people interfere in you marriage.  If you are having problems and need help, then go to a counselor.  Never talk to loved ones because when you forgive, then do not.  Even if they do, they do not forget.
    Marriage is the one relationship that will reveal all your flaws.  God will use your marriage to smooth each other out and make each other stronger at the same time.  God is in the center of your marriage because He is the foundation.  He is what will help your marriage withstand all the storms and hard times.  
    Sex is not the most important aspect of marriage, but it is a big one.  God knows a lot of issues can come from sex.  That is why He commanded man and woman to keep themselves pure until marriage.  There should be no sexual relationships outside of marriage.  This means no sex before you get married.  You may be engaged, but engagements fall apart all the time.  Adultery is allowing another person into your marriage without the consent of the other person.  Sex outside of marriage defiles your soul because it is the most intimate thing two people can share.  
    Marriage is a life commitment.  Your spouse has every right to expect acceptance and loyalty from you.  You should feel comfortable walking around naked in front of them and not think anything about it.  If you are not that comfortable with your spouse, then you need to figure out why and work on whatever the trust issue may be.

Genesis 2:18-25, Ecclesiastes4:9-12,  Matthew 19:4-6, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Ephesians 5:21-33, & Hebrew 13:4

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