Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Requirements to Walk in Faith


    There are some requirements to walk with God.  First, you have to believe the truth about God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus and hold a reverent fear.  Second you have to acknowledge you are a sinner and can't do salvation on your own.  Third, you repent and accept forgiveness.  Fourth, you learn what God expects of you.  Fifth, you act (follow in obedience).  Faith is an action word.
    Your conversion is the moment of your salvation. God does not have favorites.  That means everyone is welcome equally, but the people that lean into God more will walk closer to Him.  It is always your decision on what kind of relationship you will have with God.  
    The closer you are to God, the more you are alive.  The family of Adam leads to death, but to be adopted into Jesus' family means life.  When you accept salvation you will die twice.  The first time is to the person you were before you chose to walk in faith.  The second time will be when you body expires.  Death no longer is scary because you know where you will end up.
    When you are walking with God, you are keeping pace with Him.  That means you can't try to take control and run ahead declaring you have this.  You don't and you are likely to get hurt or humiliated.  It also doesn't mean you can sit on the church pew and just watch life happening around you.  Faith is not for spectators.  It is being intentional about keeping your relationship with God fresh every day.
    Walking with God means you have to learn how to really listen.  You have to be willing to put time into the relationship.  It requires you to know God's voice above all the distractions and be willing to obey no matter what the order may be.  It means you trust Him to take care of you even when you can't see an out in a situation.
    Your walk with God is based on how much of God you want in your life.  He is always there.  He is consistent.  He never changes.  He will not force you to be any certain way.  However, if you want a close relationship with Him, then you have to be willing to follow and obey.
    Seek God with your heart, soul, and mind.  However much you invest into Him, you will receive so much more.  It is your choice to give Him your heart to teach how to love His way.  It is your choice to to allow your soul to find what it needs or deny it.  It is your choice on what you feed your mind: holy or worldly.  It is your choice on how you conduct yourself.  Your behavior is either holy and pure or reactive and worldly.  Accept the gift of grace that God gives you and return it to the world as you walk through life with Him.

Genesis 5:21-24, Psalm 128, Proverbs 3:5-6, & 2 Corinthians 5:6-10

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