Monday, June 10, 2024

Christians Do Sin


    We are all sinners.  That means when you become a Christian that you are still a sinner.  The difference is that we are aware of it and should feel remorse for it.  If we do not, then we are living a hypocritical lifestyle that will drive the people of the world away from God.
    Sin disgraces the sinner.  We learn this with Ham and Noah.  Noah got drunk and left himself in a bad situation.  His son Ham, took advantage to spread gossip.  That became his sin.  It is a sin for a Christian to enjoy the failure of other people.  We are called to live like Christ.  Failure of people hurt Jesus, so it should pain us too.  We should always strive to make things better and help each other.
    Christians should never hate a person, but hate the strife that the person brings with them.  If we can love a person like Jesus loves us, then it covers all sorts of sins.  Spreading love instead of hate is what Christians are called to do.
    Ham enjoyed gossip.  He spread strife in his family, even if he never intended to do so.  His brothers took no pleasure in their father's disgrace.  They avoided seeing it and covered their father (Literally) out of love and respect.
    Sin corrupts.  That means Christians can become corrupt.  It will stop any power of their walk, but it will not take away their salvation.  If sin is a part of a person's lifestyle, then the Christians watching will question if their salvation.  The people of the world will just judge all Christians.  We have a calling to live better.
    Noah knew the truth and had to take ownership for his own sin, but he still judged Ham for making the situation worse.  He cursed his own son for his contempt, but it didn't stop there.  The curse carried on to all of Ham's descendants.  
    Sin will never remain hidden.  Don't do things and expect to get away with it forever.  Sin makes you a slave and can lead to generational sin that is very hard to break.  A true believer can't be cursed, so this means that Ham was saved by his father from the flood, but did not walk with God in his life.  His family was the first lost family in the new world.
    Noah recorded all of this for history.  He owned up to his sin and did not try to hide it.  He did this as a reminder to fall people of God's promises, sin's curses, and the cure of salvation.  He took responsibility for his part and did not hide from the truth.  Christians today are called to do the same.  Repent, be forgiven, move forward, and allow your redemption to be used to show others the way.

Genesis 9:20-10:32, Proverbs 10:12-13, Romans 3:23-26, Hebrews 10:26-29, & 1 John 3:7-10

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