Judgement is the ultimate curse for sin. We all sin, so we are all cursed unless we find salvation. It is so easy, yet so many people struggle with it. Everyone can have salvation. All you need to do is believe that Jesus is God in a human body, he died for your sins, resurrected himself, and ascended to heaven to return again one day. After salvation, is when you realize what sin really is and how to avoid it.
Curses are what destroy lives. They need to be destroyed. The only way to remove a curse is to know what it is, why it was placed, and give it to God to take care of. Unbelief is the curse that causes people to go to hell. Salvation is how you destroy that curse from taking your soul.
Judgment is the enforcement of a curse. When sin is allowed to reign, then judgment will follow. God's people can't be cursed like unbelievers. Ham was a believer, but his son Canaan was not. Canaan was cursed by his grandfather for Ham acting foolishly. Ham probably didn't think anything of it, but it cursed his entire family line until there were no more Canaanites left in the world. Sins of the father do fall on the children and generations to follow.
God's people are the enforcers of judgment on earth. We can't judge a person's heart or mind like God, but we are to enforce God's domain on Earth. We are to carry out His orders as He commanded. If we ignore sin and refuse to judge, then God will judge us one day. Curses condemn those that refuse to follow God. People only carry out justice and church discipline. We are not allowed to judge anything else.
Blessings do accompany curses. Ham's lineage was cursed, but his brothers lineage were blessed for do what was right. If you follow Jesus, then you will survive and thrive. It may not be materialistically, but you do thrive in areas like prophecy, discipleship, spiritual gifts, being special, and more. Blessings are personalized.
Genesis 9:18-10:32, Matthew 12:33-37, John 16:5-11, Romans 2:1-4, & Ephesians 4:28-29
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