Monday, June 17, 2024

Game Changer


    Things that change the game of life are invaluable.  Humility is a game changer.  You add respect into the mix and you will experience life in a whole new way.  These are qualities that you have to choose everyday because they fight against being naturally prideful or thinking you deserve more than what you have.
    Your attitude toward authority will drive who you follow: good or bad.  Arrogance can be embraced and will continue making you feel like you are a winner or a victim.  The other option is humility which enables you to see your life in a holy perspective.  
    You can look for a fight and be intimidating, but that will not bring much success into your life.  It will ignite God's anger.  If you humble yourself, then you can live and thrive.  You will have the favor of God.  It can reverse bad affects and restore your soul and life.
    Pride brings problems and punishment.  Humility will escape and altar life's dangerous courses.  When you feel like you deserve better or demand rights, then God will humble you.  It can be your choice or you can have it forced upon you.  Let God exalt you instead of exalting yourself.  It will last longer.
    To resist God can be deadly.  It can shorten your life, but more than that it places your soul in hell.  If you choose to follow God, then you have to be direct.  There is no time to sugar coat the truth to those bound to folly.  Do not apologize for speaking the truth that God has placed on you to speak.  
    It is why it is difficult to be a prophet or preacher.  It can be hard to speak the truth when you want to be liked.  You have to be willing to be a leader.  Leaders are often times feel lonely.  People will never make it easy for you to go against the current.  
    Do not edit God's Word.  Deliver His message directly and with confidence.  God is using you to get their attention before it is too late for them.  They probably will not want to hear it.  They will not like you for it.  They may not respect you.  That doesn't matter.  If God gives you a message, then you have to speak it.

2 Kings 1:9-18, Mark 16:9-11, 1 Corinthians 9:19-27, & Ephesians 2:3-8

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