Sunday, June 23, 2024

Greatest Thing


    The greatest thing we need in life is wisdom.  We need wisdom to approach situations that come up everyday.  It is a blessing from God to obtain wisdom and all you have to do is ask for it.  If you ask God for more wisdom, then the Holy Spirit will show you how to do everything better.  You just have to follow His guidance.  God is willing to give wisdom abundantly if you want it enough to ask Him for wisdom.
    Wisdom distinguishes you among your peers and elders.  It helps you operate in life with clarity.  It enables you to humble yourself to be lifted up.  Wisdom is meant to be used for the sake of other people.  It takes humility to want more for other people than yourself, but then God will bless you.
    Wisdom gives the mundane life dignity.  It helps you mature in your skills, emotions, spirit, and other areas.  It opens your eyes to the truth about yourself and your value to God.  It gives life purpose as you learn more.  Knowledge an wisdom always go hand in hand.
    Wisdom is the greatest thing in life because it helps you value relationships.  It reveals truth.  It unlocks insight and unwraps mysteries.  It will position you for greater responsibilities in life by giving you options.  Life is meant to be lived, but can only be lived fully if you have wisdom.  It requires faith to use it properly.  Without faith wisdom is unstable.

2 Chronicles 1, Ecclesiastes 9:9-10, James 1:5-8, & 1 John 2:3-11

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