Saturday, June 22, 2024

Wisdom Part 2


    Wisdom us seizing the opportunities in life that God lays out for you.  It is taking the knowledge you have and making choices that would please God.  It is not being double-minded, doubtful, or insecure.  You make a decision and you stick with it in confidence that it is the direction God is leading your journey.  It is the main thing about how you live your life as a Christian.  It is taking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your daily life.  
    Solomon was the third king over God's nation.  He was considered the wisest man to ever live.  That is because He started His reign by asking for God to give Him wisdom on ho to rule.  One of his first acts as the king was to build God's Temple.  
    His weakness was for women.  It was women that led him astray.  He was a great king, but lousy husband and father.  No one gets everything.  Not even Solomon.  However, when it came to business, he turned to God.  He led his people to turn to God.  His reward was wisdom, knowledge, and other blessings like wealth, riches, and fame.
    Wisdom over resolution is turning to God for decisions and willing to change your plans to follow Him.  You go to God about all your decisions from how you should dress to where to live and what career to hold.  We all desperately need God.  It is just a matter on if you see that or not.
    You need wisdom to fulfill your life responsibilities.  You can't lead successfully without wisdom.  It takes wisdom to judge humbly.  You need wisdom to respond promptly to opportunities.  To approach your responsibilities with wisdom takes prudence and propriety.  You will never get ahead in life without that.
    Never rely on routine.  That is the quickest way to become stagnant in life.  Instead, rely on God even when the direction He leads you makes no sense.  To minimize your value or purpose is a mistake.  Your life hold value to God.  Your life is valid.  If you are Christian, then you are a child of God.  It is wise to understand the importance of that role.  You have things in life to do and fulfill.  Today is as good as any day to get started.

2 Chronicles 1, Proverbs 4:4-9. 28:26, Matthew 11:16-19, & James 3:17-18

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