Wednesday, June 26, 2024

How Will You Answer When God Calls?


    God is calling to every single person.  His call is simple: come to me, let me help, repent, do this, help there, and more.  However, it all comes down to having a relationship with Him and drawing closer.  It all starts with accepting His gift of salvation.
    Free will is a gift, but it does allow us to make bad decisions.  God is not a dictator.  He is not a micromanager.  He will allow you to make your own choices, but He will also allow you to deal with the consequences.  It is always your choice to follow Him, ignore Him, or reject Him.
    We all need to hear His calling.  It directs us where we ultimately need and want to be.  You will have satisfaction in life if you are involved in what God is doing and following Him in the part He designed for you. 
    The Bible is a guide to common sense.  It leads you to salvation and directs you on how to conform to be more like Jesus.  It reveals to you when you have gone astray.  It shows you how much you need God.  All you have to do is seek and listen.  Your soul will respond.
    When your heart is stirred when you are in God's Word, prayer time, church, seeing God's creation, or hearing it's beauty, then you know it is the Holy Spirit speaking to you.  It is urging you to do something, speak to someone, or preach.
    You need to repent for your sins because they cause you remorse.  Repentance is not an apology or just feeling guilty and wanting to feel better.  It is removing the sin and seeking to never sin again.  It changes your heart and mind to want to be more like Jesus.  The questions is will you obey, deflect, make excuses, or turn away?

Genesis 3:8-19, Isaiah 55:1-3, Matthew 1916-30, Acts 9:1-6, & Romans 2:5-11

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