Friday, June 28, 2024

Simplicity to God's Calling


    Simple does not mean easy.  Just like equal is not always fair.  Things are not always as they appear, but when you follow God it is driven by purpose.  It has a simple focus: give God the glory.  You may not understand all or even most of the calling, but you do know that it will please God.  That is what matters.  He is the one that is for everything to be fair, honest, and true.
    It is impossible to lead a perfect Christian life.  We all have been influenced by evil since we were born.  It still saturates our lives even after we become Christians.  It makes it hard to stay focused on what we want to do, eyes on the prize.  We get distracted so easily.  With practice and wisdom, you can learn to get distracted less often.  You learn how to better please God.  You learn to repent quicker.
    Christians are different.  We hope in things that appear hopeless.  That is what gives us joy when life should be crippling us.  It takes strong faith to have a single focus on Jesus when everything around you wants your attention.  That is why we have to pray and work on our faith everyday.  It is like a workout routine.  It becomes a part of your lifestyle or it doesn't.
    When you answer God's simple call to become a part of His family, you are enlisting to become relentless in changing your worldview to a Christview.  Your are dedicating your life to become more like Jesus and less like the world.  You give your heart to following Jesus over even having money to pay your bills or buy food.  It is a learning process to become humble.  God just wants your heart to put Him over perceived power and safety.
    As a church, you come together with other Christians to answer God's calling to serve.  Everyone has a different part, but if we don't all do our part then the whole church suffers.  It will not grow and you want to grow.  You grow by using your gifts and follow the leadership of the deacon, elders, and pastor.
    To answer Gods calling in the church is to share God's word and your testimony of how it changes or affects your life.  You use your gifts of healing, teaching, prophesying, and more.  You endure the persecution that the world lays upon you because Jesus faced it first.
    If you are humbly zealous about your relationship with Jesus, then people will not be able to resist engaging with you.  Some will want to know why you are different in a good way.  Some people will want to confront you and change you.  A few people will even want to shut you up at all cost, so they can keep living the way they want and embrace the power they think they have.  Stand firm in your faith.  God is fighting for you.

Proverbs 16:8-11, Micah 6:6-8, Matthew 6:31-34, Acts 7:35-43, & Philippians 3:12-14

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