Saturday, June 29, 2024

God's Will in Calling You


    God is the creator of all living and good things in this world.  That means that He is over all leadership, even the leadership that rejects Him.  He allows them the position that they hold for a reason.  It may be because the person that would be better for the job did not step up to God's calling.  We will never know, but we do have to trust in God's choice in leadership.
    God is the ultimate leader.  His government runs perfectly in Heaven.  He is respected there.  When we reach heaven, we will never question any of it again.  It will all make sense.  We will live in perfect harmony and have nothing taking our focus from Him.  Why we were created to live will make sense.  You have have to have hold on to your faith.
    God hold people treating each other well very seriously.  That is why it is unlawful to bear false witness.  To lie about someone is to distort the truth of His creation.  That will make Him angry.  If you have ever heard the Gospel, then you have heard the truth.  If you choose not to believe it, then you will face God's judgment. If you choose to persecute the truth, then you will face His wrath.
    To hear God's calling and surrender to it is to respond in a way that makes God happy with you.  God's will is good and perfect.  To obey His calling is to be align to perfection.  It is trusting that God's plan is good for you.  That means that even if you don't do it perfectly, then your heart is perfectly aligned with God's will.
    You know it is God's will when you spend time over the issue in prayer and you get confirmation in your heart and soul.  You meditate over scripture on the subject to make sure you hear God's calling clearly.  You read God's Word, to make sure you are not distorting the truth in any way.  You take time to memorize the scripture that confirms God's will.  You focus on the promises of God instead of all that is happening outside of your control.  
    Do not forget that you were created to live, but live in a way that honors God.  You will succeed if you do not lose focus from God and His personalized journey for you.  You will be confident if you listen to the Holy Spirit with an open heart.  It is always your choice to obey or reject God's call.
    If you hold onto God and your faith, then you will endure the fires in life.  You will not just survive, but you will become stronger and purer, more like Jesus.  When you are going through the hard times in life, trials, and persecution, hold onto the truth and you will hold onto your joy.  You will discover joy in obedience and thanking God for His mercy.

Psalm 40:6-8, Acts 9:1-9, Romans 11:28-32, & James 4:13-17

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