Tuesday, July 30, 2024



   Courage can hold a lot of meaning to people.  There are things that are obvious like being a fire fighter, going to war, and other heroic deeds or jobs.  However, there are some acts or deeds that have a personal note of courage.  For some it takes courage to get over a small fear.  It takes courage to talk to people that do not agree with you.  The word courage holds a lot of impact.
    It can take courage to live life not for yourself.  As a Christian, your life is meant to be used for God, but that can take a lot of courage.  How can you live courageously for God when He is the all powerful God?  Paul is one of many examples on how to live for God courageously.
    Paul went to prison for his faith, but that did not shut him up.  He spoke truth about God until the day he died.  He did that because he realized that death without God was far worse than living a comfortable life.  Understanding that truth made him bold.  He embraced his bond with God, so he could do anything to be in God's will.
    Paul was a Roman citizen and a Jew.  This means he had dual citizenship by birth.  That gave him a lot of rights that it did not give the average Christian.  When He became a Christian, he became a Heaven Citizen too.  He was protected by Roman rights and by God.
    Paul was a very educated man.  He knew his rights.  It is easier to be bold if you understand your rights, the laws, and God's expectations.  Paul was able to stand in court and defend himself well.  The average persona has always needed a lawyer, but not Paul.  He knew how to present his arguments and how to use the right language at the right time to make the most impact.  
    Paul used his court hearing as a time to present his testimony for God.  He was courageous.  It comes more natural to some people to be able to argue well.  Some people really struggle with confrontation.  However, they can give their testimony because it is their story.  
    We can all learn our rights and pray for wisdom.  That can help us have courage when we need it.  Speak with courage and confidence, so that when you face God you can have a clear conscience.

Joshua 1:6-9, Matthew 10:28-31, Acts 22:24-23:3, & Ephesians 6:10-18

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