Monday, July 29, 2024

The Storm Battered Church

    God's church is His people who come together to live life in fellowship, worship, and survive together.  The church is a community of believers that live through the storms together.  We hurt because we live in this world that has been cursed by sin.  The climate and weather is just a biproduct of what sin introduced into this world.
    The only protection we have is the armor of God that comes with our salvation.  If you are missing one piece of that armor, then you are in danger.  You are vulnerable and Satan will take advantage.  You need the armor, but you also need your fellow Christians.  You are not an army if you stand out there alone.
    Speak life into people.  Do not curse or tear each other down.  We need each other.  We need to be there for our church, schools, work, and other places you have placed yourself in life.  If you do not have community, then you are living life alone and your are vulnerable.  You are easier to be taken captive.
    If you have fallen into sin, repent and turn to God.  Find community to help you put your armor back on.  Be determined to wait on God while honoring Him.  Your church community is there to help even when things get hard.  
    Everything in this life is temporary.  Thank God for what you have right now.  Communication with Him is your weapon that is at hand at all times.  You just need to know how to use it.  Get your heart, mind, and attitude in align with God and He will never deny listening to your prayers.  If you have a need, then just pray over it.  
    God will never leave His church to the elements if this world.  Pray as a church.  The foundations will never give way even if the building disappears.  He will give you a way to rebuild if you don't give into the desolation.  
    God will teach you how to take joy in rebuilding and make it stronger.  He will give you peace in the storms.  His government is fair and just, so don't live in terror.  His army will protect you.  Nothing can destroy them.  Vindication is His to have.

Isaiah 54:11-17, Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, & Ephesians 6:10-20

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