Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Its Okay Not to Feel Okay


    To be okay in life you have to find unity. How can you be okay in life when you are not united with God?  God gave you life, purpose, and value.  If you are not working on that relationship, then you can't see the world clearly.  You have to understand how God is with you and why.
    Satan is whispering lies into your ear and mind all day every day.  That is why you need to know the voice of the Holy Spirit to be able to hold onto the truth. When you start listening to the lies, then you start down the path of not being okay.  You may not see the signs for a while, but eventually you will start having destructive feelings.
    God is in the little things.  If He takes the time to be involved in the smallest of details, then why would you not trust Him to take care of your big issues.  The part most people get wrong is that faith is an action word.  You can't sit back and wait on God to serve you.  Jesus came into this world to live the most common of lives to show us that life is serving and doing.  Ask God for what you need, then start moving forward.  He will correct you if you start veering or trying to take control.
    To have a good life does not mean that you have to have a grand life.  Life can be simple.  Most of the happiest people in the world are not caught up in money, drama, or pursuit of what is great.  They are content with what God has chosen to give them.
    Anticipate a future that will be useful to God is a key to overcoming feelings of not feeling right, good, or even being okay.  Disappointment happens.  It is okay to feel it as long as you do not let it stop you from moving forward.  If you are a Christian, then you are called to be a steward of God.  That means you are to give back and take care of what He has given you in life.
    To learn how to be okay in all situations takes time.  You have to grow in understanding in who God is and who you are.  You will start to develop a mission statement for your life that will become a moto to help you keep moving forward when life throws you punches.  
    Life is full of distractions that make it easy to loose perspective.  That is why it takes work to keep your eye on Jesus.  Don't stumble by looking back in life.  You can't change the past.  Learn from it and move on, so that you do not loose sight of where you are going.  
    Seek a mentor, friends, and who you can mentor in discipleship training.  It helps to have a support group to find purpose, stay on course, and hold onto hope.  It's okay to not feel okay, but just don't stay there.  Find a way past your feelings, or they will rule your life.

1 Kings 19, Psalm 46:1-3, Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 1:16-20, Luke 9:57-62, & 2 Timothy 2:1-2

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