Thursday, July 18, 2024

Basic Training


    Basic training in being a Christian starts with the basics.  It is remembering what salvation is: complete faith in the life of Jesus, death, resurrection, and ascension with the promise to return.  The basics is choosing to love like God and listen to the Holy Spirit to direct your life.  
    Working out your faith is a lot like working out your body.  You have to invest time and energy.  You have to make changes to see the changes that you want.  You have to be invested or you will stop putting in the effort.  You only get as much out of your faith as you put in.  
    You have to build your endurance or you will crumble under persecution, distress, or lack luster.  Working out your faith is what prepares you to handle the hard times.  It is what develops you to be perfect and complete in God.
    Faith's basic training starts with understanding who God is and who you are related to God.  He is the Lord, master, creator, and all that is good.  You are His creation, loved, cherished, and have a purpose to serve Him.  He is not the one that changes, you are.  When you recognize that truth, then you can truly become a bonded  servant of God.
    A bonded servant is a servant that is free to go off and live their own life, but choose to serve their master instead.  God is our master, not man, money, or yourself.  You have control of how you think, act, and feel, but you do not have control over your fate.  The only choice you have is heaven or hell.  
    Basic training help you get the most out of life's trails.  You can't avoid them, control them, or work them to your favor.  Life is hard.  You can have God help you through or you can make things worse by doing it your way.  
    God has the right to send anything your way, but most trials come from our life choices or Satan.  The truth is God will remove you from many things if you only ask.  If He does not, then it is meant for your benefit and to grow closer to Him.  His love is unfailing.  It is proven through the gift of peace of mind and heart.

Psalm 31:14-16, John 14:27-29, 2 Corinthians 9:6-10, & James 1:1-4

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