Monday, July 8, 2024

Marriage Role Models


    There are some marriages in the Bible that should be looked at.  They were not perfect marriages.  Each person did thing that were not ideal, but they had strong marriages that we could strive to have today.  These marriages can teach us a lot on how to make a marriage work.
    The first marriage was Adam and Eve.  They messed up and threw each other under the bus, but then came together to live a long life together.  Isaac and Rebecca were an arranged marriage, but they loved each other deeply.  Joseph and Ashoph were two different nations, but made it work.  Boaz and Ruth started off as employer and employee, but brought joy to those closest to them and were happy.  Solomon and the Shumulite was rich and poor.  They probably should have never met, but fell deeply in love.
    These were great marriages despite everything that was against them.  They were strong, but they were not perfect.  Jesus came and showed us what could be perfect.  Your marriage is strongest if God is in the center because He shows you what you are fighting for.  When you become a Christian, it is like a marriage with God.  You become the bride of Christ to be loved and cared for for eternity.
    There is a comparison between Adam, the first man, and Christ, the perfect man.  Adam represents the beginning of life.  Jesus represents the soul and spirit.  He is the beginning of eternal life.  God planned marriage before the creation.  Marriage is not an idea or constitution.  It is an covenantal unity between man and woman to worship God as one.
    The sleep of God is death.  Adam represents life that leads to death.  Jesus is life that never dies.  Flesh and bones is the institution of marriage.  It represents the relationship you have with Jesus.  Marriage is a commission, a job, to fulfill purpose.  You should only have children through marriage, so marriage is a job to populate the world.
    Marriage is a relationship that is similar to the relationship you have with Christ.  You cleave to your spouse like you do Jesus.  To be married is a name or title that claims unity.  It is like the title that Christians claim to be a part of the church.  It is wise to hold onto the that relationship.

Proverbs 18:20-22, 1 Corinthians 15:45-49, Ephesians 5:21-33, & Colossians 1:24-29

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