Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Godly Mother


    A Godly Mother is a woman rooted in Christ that has children, pregnant, or had children.  They allow their actions to speak for them more than their words.  Their actions speak love and respect.  They use their words to back up their actions.
    In this world it is natural for a mother to be afraid.  They are brave because they fight that fear everyday through faith and self-discipline.  They choose to cling to God's promises instead of focus on everything that is wrong.  They trust their husband to lead the family.  A mother is not as a door mat, but her husbands helper to endure that family grows up under God's example.  If they have to be, then they will be spiritual leader of the family.
    A Godly Mother has her foundation in prayer.  She understands that God can do more to protect and save her children than she can.  They make sure that her children understand that honoring your parents is honoring God.  She teaches them right from wrong.  She shows them how to serve and nurture.  The mother is the backbone of the family to keep all the elements stable by following the lead of the Holy Spirit.
    A Godly Mother lives in truth.  She holds it in her heart so that grace, mercy, and peace flow out of her.  She finds her stability in the love of God.  She knows she is loved enough to be able to teach her children how to love.  She tried to stand on the truth of the Word of God in all that she does.  Mothers deserve to be appreciated, but Godly mothers deserve special honor to honor God at the same time.

Proverbs 31:10-31, Acts 16:1-5, Colossians 2:6-7, 2 Timothy 1:5-7, 1 John 3:18-20, & 2 John

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