Wednesday, August 7, 2024

From Servant to King


    Jesus came to this world to serve.  He did not come to be a worldly king.  He was already kings of souls.  He still rules in Heaven today and will for all of eternity.  He came to show us how to live a life to honor God and serve other people.
    To be a Christian is to reflect on the life of Jesus, decide you believe the truth, step out in faith, and then start serving.  You are adopted into the royal family, but you were never meant to be served.  Your life should reflect that of Jesus.  Hs life serves as an example and to correct our errored interpretation.  God's law is basic, but when you apply love to it, it contains a lot of depth.
    Christians are meant to have the same mindset of Jesus.  Over time we should adopt his attitude and feelings on sin.  Our very nature should start to reflect him inside and out.  Jesus is God, but he lived a very simple life.  He could have had it easy and every luxury there ever was.  He chose to live a life that everyone can relate or respect.  His life on earth was all about relating to the people and honoring God.
    Jesus eliminated all the things that could have given a high status in society, worldly wealth, or politics.  Instead he emptied himself of all comfort to serve humans.  This was only for a few years, but what royalty do you know could handle living as a commoner even a few days.  
    Jesus gave up perfection for poverty.  He was raised by commoners.  He chose the working class to be his closest friends.  All he has every done is show how much he loves humans.  He held back his power so that his human body could contain him, but he never held back who he was.  He is God in the flesh.  He was even obedient in death and suffered so that we would not have to suffer for eternity.  
    Christians need to shape our lives with this truth tattooed onto our heart.  We need to make sure we don't take anything that Jesus did for granted.  Our reward is eternity is heaven.  Live a with a servant's heart, but not defeated.  Hold onto your hope and joy no matter what the world throws your way.   You live as a servant now, but one day you will know what it is like to live with Jesus.

Proverbs 30:21-23, Matthew 18:21-35, John 13:1-17, & Philippians 2:5-11

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