Thursday, August 1, 2024

God Commands Courage


    When you walk closely with God, you live your life with a clear conscience.  You are bold, strong, and courageous because God commanded you to be.  You are able to do it because you know that no matter what you face that God is with you.  He will be right there in the scary times never leaving you.  He is protecting you.
    When you embrace the command to be courageous you find an inner calm that emboldens you.  You are able to use wisdom because things begin to make sense.  You use this new wisdom to become a prayer warrior because you see where prayer is needed in a new way.  You are no longer holding yourself back because you know that you are walking with God in a secure relationship.
    Your enemies may seem to have a lot of power.  They may appear to be immoveable objects, but no one is stronger than God.  If He can move mountains, then He can move people.  If He chooses not to, then trust that He has a reason.  Not everyone needs to move for you to accomplish what you need to accomplish in life. People are only people.  They don't even compare to God and His power.
    Courage gives you an inner awareness to judge your morals.  Sin will play with your mind, but walking with God makes everything clear.  If you allow Satan to affect your mind, then he will warp it.  He will not give you warning signs.  He will just mess you up.  You need to allow God to clear your mind.  This take courage because it will change everything in your life.
    Evil only surrenders to evil.  It will be seared one way or another.  If you follow evil, then you are not courageous.  You are a fool that will only be seared.  Instead accept Jesus.  He has already been seared for you.  Be brave enough to have faith and not allow that gift to go to waste.
    Sin will leave scar tissue, but as you know scar tissue may not be pretty, but it is tough.  When you turn to Jesus it becomes a reminder of what you walked away from and why.  Allow God to heal anything that sin had cut or infected.  Only then will you be able to see the difference between right and wrong.
    Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  He will only lead you to what is right and pure.  Even if you have defiled your body and mind with sin, He can make you pure again.  You can let the past go and move forward with Him.  
    Everyone has sinned.  That does not mean that you have to stay there.  See sin for what it is and decide that God is right about sin.  Then turn away from that sin toward forgiveness.  Stop mourning the past and more forward with a clear conscience.  This is the beginning of walking a courageous and empowered life that God has commanded for you.  This is how you will succeed in life and the afterlife without fear.

Joshua 1:6-9, Habakkuk 3:16-19, Philippians 4:6-14, 1 Timothy 4:1-5, & 2 Timothy 1:5-11

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