Friday, August 2, 2024



    What motivates you in life?  The answer to that question drives every aspect of how you live your life.  Your outlook on life is driven by your positive and negative motivations.  You look at love by what motivates you.  
    If Jesus is the one that motivates you every day, then you will look at his life on how to love.  He gave love to everyone and showed us how to love too.  He compels you to love even the people that you do not like.  He will drive you to seek reconciliation and righteousness.
    You have to understand who God is to be able to really love.  Understanding and seeking to be more like Jesus will motivate you to do some things that look crazy to the world.  You may be motivated to give up everything to go show love to people that you never met.  You may stay in an unhappy marriage to show your spouse love.  There are no limits to the love that is pure and holy.
    To understand God, you have to understand how to fear Him.  He has the power to create life and take life.  He controls the elements of the world.  The fear you should have is awe of who He is.  This healthy perspective on fear should motivate you to draw in toward God instead of pushing Him away.  The power of God's love is mind blowing.
    When God starts to motivate you, you start persuading other people of His goodness.  You are convinced that His way is the only really beneficial way of living and you want others to understand too.  Don't ever let go of that driving motivation.  Live an insistent life that people have to see God through you.  We all have our part.  Learn what yours is and use it to find fulfillment in life.

2 Corinthians 5:11-21, 1 Timothy 6:11-16, Hebrews 12:1-4, & 1 John 1:8-10

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