Saturday, August 3, 2024

Feeling Motivated


    Motivation is not about you.  If you start moving toward something, you will eventually feel motivated.  If you are content to be stagnant, then you will never do anything.  Feelings influence motivation, but self-discipline makes it happen.
    Your feelings about Jesus does not change the truth about who he is.  Following him can feel good, but it will not always feel good.  You have to push past your selfish desires to feel good all the time and get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  This is how you can remove pride and start encouraging other people to follow Jesus.
    When you do good, do you seek the credit or are you content in letting Jesus be the only one to give you credit?  The motivation for credit leads to pride.  Doing good to just do good brings you closer to Jesus.  No matter how you want to see yourself, your lifestyle will speak the truth about what motivates you, drives you forward when you have nothing, and what you truly love in life.
    People may think you are crazy to live a humble life content with uncredited service.  Who cares.  God sees your heart.  If you do care, then you need to ask yourself why.  Why do you care what other people's opinions of you are if God is happy with your actions?  
    Obedience to God will not always make sense, but following Him is the only way to a joyful life.  It doesn't make sense to the world why you would be obedient to God instead of serving your own self-interest.  You will never be able to make these people understand, so don't bother trying.  God can work on their hearts and you work with God on your own.  He can open their eyes to seeing the truth, but you can't.  
    Put your mind in the proper mindset and you will succeed.  A life of submission to God is a life well lived.  You will encounter things that are beyond your expectations.  You will experience true love that will change you thoroughly.  You will learn how to love purely and openly.  Once you are able to truly love, you will feel motivated to help people find Jesus.

Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 19:16-30, John 15:1-17, Galatians 6:7-10, & 1 Peter 5:5-7

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