Friday, September 20, 2024



    Agabus was an early church prophet.  His name derives from the Aramaic name Hagab that means "Grasshopper".  It could be a shortened name or a nickname, but the prophet was known as Agabus.
      Some prophets traveled from Jerusalem to Antioch.  One of the prophets was Agabus.  He stood up in one of the morning meetings with a prediction given to him by the Holy Spirit.  He predicted a great famine that would affect the entire Roman world.  
    The prediction did happen under the reign of Claudius.  The prediction gave the believers time to gather and send supplies to other believers in the area predicted to be affected.  Everyone gave all that they could to Barnabas and Paul to take to the elders of the church. in Jerusalem.
    Agabus had become known for his gift of prophecy.  He came from Judea to Jerusalem on another journey.  This indicates that he was a traveling missionary.  He was acquainted with Paul or maybe even friends, but twice they were known to be in the same place at the same time.  He knew Paul well enough to approach him with confidence.
    He went to Paul and took his belt to bind his own feet and hands because of another prophecy given by the Holy Spirit.  Then he said the owner of the belt was bound to the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem to be turned over to the Gentiles.  All the local believers then begged Paul not to go to Jerusalem, but God's declarations have to happen, whether good or bad.  Paul was arrested just a few versus later.

Acts 11:27-30 & 21:10-12

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