Tuesday, September 24, 2024



    To be against something is to be in opposition.  It can come across as anticipation of or preparation for a problem or issue.  It is a negative word that describes hostility or reaction to people, an event, situation, or beliefs.  It can be seen in inconsistent people and contradictions.
    Jesus declared whoever is not with me is against me.  Anyone who does not work with Jesus is actually working against Jesus.  You either gather toward him or scatter abroad.  Jesus made it clear that you are with him or you are against him.  This is one of those black and white moments with no room for gray.
    If a person performs evil in Jesus' name, then they can't speak evil in his name.  If you are not against him, then you are for him.  In all you do, do it in his name.  Do not stop or hold back those that do good in Jesus' name or you are working against Jesus.  Do good and you will be rewarded.
    When Jesus was a baby, people recognized that he was special and that he would do amazing things, but few understood who he was.  Simeon thought he was a sign from God that will cause the fall of Israel.  He saw that Jesus would have many work against him.  Jesus reveals the thoughts of the heart.  He is the sword that pierces the soul.  
    The mayor of Ephesus gave a statement that Ephesus is the official guardian of the temple of Artemis.  He believed that the image of Artemis fell from heaven.  He believed that was undeniable.  In another dialect it was the town clerk talking about Diana.  Either way it was a pagan god being deposed by the truth of God.  Paul's declarations about Jesus riled up the people and they wanted him gone.  The mayor was trying to make peace, but did not even understand what he was actually discussing.  One thing he said was correct.  The truth can't be spoken against with any validity.  
    Paul arrives to Rome expecting to be going to jail or court, but the people who threatened him had not sent any letters ahead with their charges.  Paul showing up opened the door for him to share the good news.  They were not against hearing what he had to say.  All they knew about what Paul was saying was that it was denounced everywhere.  They wanted to hear it for themselves.  
    If God is for us, then who can be against us.  God did not spare Jesus, but gave him up to his life as a human so that we have the opportunity to know Him.  You stand with God or against God.  If you are with God, then no one else can claim you as their possession.  No one can separate us from God's love.  God can use something daunting into an opportunity.  Before you decide to be against something, do your research to find the truth.    

Matthew 12:30, Mark 9:39-41, Luke 2:33-35, Acts 19:35-37, 28:21-22, & Romans 8:31-34

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