Wednesday, September 25, 2024



    Philadelphia comes from two Greek words that go together to mean brotherly love.  The first word is Philo (φίλος) that means beloved, dear, and loving.  The second word is adelphós (ἀδελφός) which means brother or brotherly.  
    Philadelphia is the sixth city listed in the letter to the seven churches of Asia found in Revelations.  It was originally written on a scroll before it became the book of Revelations.  This city was built on a volcano.  It was a dangerous location, about 80 miles from Sardis (the 5th city).  Around 17 AD it was completely destroyed by an earthquake, but they were tenacious and rebuilt with the assistance of Emperor Tiberius who did not charge them taxes for fiver years.
    John was commanded to write to the angel of the church of Philadelphia.  The message is holy and true. What Jesus opens no one can close and what he closes no one can open.  God had opened a door for Philadelphia that no one could close.  
    Philadelphia was not a strong church, but they were obedient and do not deny God.  The fake followers and liars who claim to belong to Jesus will bow at the churches feet when they realize that Philadelphia holds the people God loves.  
    This church perseveres, so God protects them from the great time of testing that the world will endure.  Hold onto your faith as you wait for Jesus to return.  Those who are victorious will become pillars in God's Temple.  You will never be removed.  
    The faithful's name will be written in the book of life making them citizens in Heaven.  This is where you will live out eternity with your new name, the name given by God.  If you hear the Holy Spirit, then listen to find understanding.  When Jesus returns it will be fast.  Are you ready?

Isaiah 22:22, Revelations 1:11 & 3:7-13

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