Sunday, September 29, 2024



    To agree is to concur.  That means you have the same opinion on a subject.  To agree is also to give consent to do something that was suggested by another person.  Over all to agree is a good thing.  It produces peace.  However, if you agree to do something that you should not do, then it can bring trouble.
    How can you agree when there are hurt feelings because you have been wronged?  Jesus made it clear on how to handle a situation like that without making things worse.  When someone sins against you, them go to that person directly and in private to address it.  Give them the opportunity to repent.  If they do, then you have strengthen the relationship.
    However, if the person is not sorry for what they have done to you, then go back to confront them with one or two people with wise counsel and are respected to witness the confrontation.  Hopefully the person will see where they had wronged you.  
    If the person still does not think they did anything wrong, then take the situation before the church.  Let the church decide how to handle the situation.  If the church decides that they are guilty, but they still will not repent, then the person is tossed out of the church.  They lose their membership.  When they are ready to see the error of their ways, then they can come back.
    Whatever is forbidden on earth is forbidden in heaven.  Whatever is permitted by God on earth is permitted in Heaven.  If you agree in life, then God will make it happen because when two or three come together in His Name, then He is with you.
    The Jewish leadership did agree on one thing:  Jesus had to go.  They were searching for evidence to put him to death.  They could not find any because there was none, so they agreed to make up evidence by finding false witnesses.  They did not do a good job.  They contracted each other, but it was enough for them to get the audience that they wanted: Rome government.
    When God blesses you with certain wealth, it is yours do with it as you see fit.  However, if you defile it for any reason, then the consequences are fierce.  We are stewards of God's things.  Ananias and Sapphira are an example.  They lied about what they were giving to God and they both died by God's hand for that lie.  They agreed upon deception and they paid the price together.
    We all struggle with sin.  The law of God is good for the spirit.  The trouble comes from our cardinal nature.  It makes it where you don't really understand yourself.  You want to do good, but instead you follow the sinful nature.  The good news is that if you know what is wrong, then you agree that God's laws are good.  That means that you are not doing wrong, but the sin that lives in you is doing evil.  You can remove the sin from within with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 18:15-19, Mark 14:55-59, Acts 5:1-11, & Romans 7:14-17

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