Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Blessed are the Chastened


    To chasten is to rebuke or have misfortune.  It is a restraining or modifying effect as a result of correction usually in the form of discipline.  It doesn't sound pleasant, but it is the only way people learn that they are not on the right path and that there is a better way to go.  You only discipline those that you love.  If it goes beyond discipline, then it is abuse.  
    A person that listens to instruction is blessed.  They are able to be corrected, chastised, chastened, reformed, or accept punishment.  They are blessed because they are able to learn right from wrong.  When you accept the truth that there is right and wrong and choose to do follow what is right, you are able to find internal joy and happiness in life.
    God is the judge of this world.  He judges attitudes, heart desires, mind sets, and actions.  Sin has to be punished.  Those that do not accept discipline and rebuke their sinful ways will deal with the vengeance of God.  However, if you see that it comes from a place of love, then you can change.  You know what He can do, you accept it, and you turn your sins over to Him to be removed from you.
    Time is your witness.  Prepare yourself by accepting correction from God.  Accepting it means you understand it is for your benefit.  Face your struggles and sins with the determination to give them over to God.
    You may ask yourself why does evil prosper while the righteous seem to struggle?  It is appearances only.  They have rejected God, so He is giving them time to change their mind.  He loves them, but they are going to face His vengeance one day unless they repent.  Eventually God's patience will end with them and their time will be up.  God sees and He knows.  Do not stop doing good because of the corrupt.  You can't see the big picture like He can.
    Accept God's chastening means accepting His judgment.  He will forgive your sins as soon as your repentant heart ask of Him, but that does not mean that you will not accept consequences for your actions.  The point of God's discipline is o save the lost and guide His children.  
    The righteous will be judged for their sins too.  The difference is that we will not go to hell.  We are judged because we know right from wrong or have no excuse on why we would not.  When you understand who God is as the disciplinary, then you can find peace and joy in the instruction.  Boundaries give the heart and mind peace.
    To be chastened is a blessing because it brings forth fruit from your relationship with God.  It helps you mature.  It brings you closer to Him.  It ensures that you are loved and cared for.  It gives you peace of mind about where you stand in this world.  You are blessed because you find relief from not being abandoned.  You are able to live in confidence without doubt that you are loved.

Job 5:17-26, Psalm 94, 143:7-12, & Proverbs 3:11-12

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