Thursday, September 5, 2024

Blessings of Instruction


    Instructions in life is more than giving orders and expecting them to be upheld.  Instruction provides clear boundaries with help society, school, families, work, church, and more to function better.  Instruction is teaching or exhortation on aspects of life.  It directs a path of thinking things through instead of just acting impulsively.
    Instruction may include discipline, admonishment, and chastening.  God has given us instructions on how to live throughout the Bible because He is a good father.  He sets us up for success.  The choice of following His instruction is on us.  If we fail, then it is due to us choosing not to heed His instructions.  God gave us instructions because He loves us.  He disciplines us when we are sinning because that is what a good parent does.
    Instruction provides healthy boundaries to keep us safe.  They hold a purpose: teaching, thinking, protection, or to save time from getting lost.  You can question your instructions to understand them, but if they come from God, then it is better to just obey.  He will reveal the reason when He wants to.  
    Disobedience leads to consequences.  If you sin, then you will feel pain that sin brings with it.  God corrects you to counter act something harmful.  He is trying to keep you safe.  When you sin, you know you will have to pay consequences.  It is the waiting that is the worst part.  If you ignore the warnings and keep sinning, then the serious consequences will come. 
    God will do things to get your attention.  Sin makes you hard.  He will do things that should soften your heart.  When He does discipline you take comfort.  It is confirmation that you are His children and belong to His family.
    Instruction helps you become productive and successful in your endeavors.  If you follow God's instructions, then you become holy.  His way leads to all things that are good.  Listening to God can make you happy and will give you joy.  It brings you closer to God as you gain wisdom and understanding.  Instructions that come from God or people you can trust are a blessing.

Psalm 94, Proverbs 13:13, Matthew 7:24-29, 2 Timothy 3:14-17, & Hebrews 12:5-18 

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