Friday, September 6, 2024

Gift of Life


    God explains life in the Bible.  The Bible is His love story to us.  When He created people He said it was very good.  He created us in His likeness which means every person holds an aspect of Him.  These are blessings and gifts.  He tells us how life has great value.
    God is always with you, so you never experience any aspect of life alone.  It also means that you can't hide anything from him.  This truth can bring you comfort in hard or scary times.  It also can provide conviction when you sin.  
    Life is a revelation of His power.  The more you study the Bible the more you see it.  The development of the baby in the womb is so intricate and beautiful.  The baby already has the outline of a person by the time the mother realizes she is pregnant.  The mother's womb is a protective bubble for the baby to be able to sustain life in the world.  
    As soon as a baby is conceived, it has it's own DNA and cell system that begin to develop.  However, the mother and baby share with each other until the baby is born.  The birth is a traumatically beautiful experience, but the baby does it's part.  When the baby leaves the mother, it leaves behind cells to help the mother heal.  The mother will carry small traces of the baby's DNA in her for the rest of her life even if the baby is still born or killed in utero.
    God created humans uniquely special.  Out organs, hands, and feet are unlike any animal.  Our emotions are more advanced than animals.  We have a will that works with decision making.  We have longings that drive us.  We are more than just desire, need, and hormones, but they all play a part in who we are.  We have a soul that is always searching for God.  If we stop fighting it, then we can find peace and truth in our lives.
    God is the defender of life.  No aspect of life is random or a mistake.  Every element holds a purpose.  It is far more detailed than people will ever really understand.  This is why all life holds value and we should work hard not to taint it.  
    We are protects of the ecosystem and animal life that we live in.  We hold more value than either, but we are responsible for their well being.  Sin is a plague that destroys all life and taints it's value and beauty.  We have to face our sins and repent to God to move forward and be better.

Psalm 139:1-18, John 6:35-40, Romans 6:20-23, Ephesians 4:7-10, & 1 Timothy 6:11-16

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