Saturday, September 7, 2024

God's Gift of Life


    God does not require people to make life.  He created Adam by hand and breathed life into him.  God then took a piece of Adam to create his mate in life.  God created man and woman to be able to create life, but God could do it on His own.  You see this when the Holy Spirit placed Jesus in Mary's womb.  He also gives you everything you need to live.  God doesn't need us, but He gifted us with the ability to help create and protect life.
    God is the creator of life.  He has given life and had a hand in the genetic makeup of every living things.  How you look and your personality is not a mistake.  However, Satan likes to counterfeit what God does.  As soon a child is born, Satan is at work in manipulating the child to shape it into a vessel for him.  That means he uses generational sin, corrupts morals, and magnifies the parents sins through the child who learns from watching and listening.
    Satan would like you to think that you create life without God.  If you are the creator, then it is fine to destroy what you create.  If you don't see the value of life, then you may destroy your own life.  The destructive path is from Satan.  God's path leads to a full life.  It will hold challenges, but you are still able to see the beauty and value of all life.
    God knew you before you even had a body.  He custom made you which makes it where you belong to Him.  Unlike humans owning things, He gives you the gifts of thought, emotions, free will, and more.  He just leaves His mark in your DNA where deep inside your soul, you are always looking to connect with Him.
    You are not an accident.  You are special because God was in all the details in making you.  You hold infinite value to Him.  If you ever question that, then go to the details of anatomy.  You are so much more than the surface appearance.  
    The bones that make up your skeleton are the infostructure of your body.  God made them to grow, so you would form into the adult you are or will become.  He is so much into the details that He even knows what day and time you will die.  If God is in that much of the details in creating and developing you, can you really question that He has a purpose for you? 

Psalm 139, John 6:32-33, Ephesians 2:8-10, James 1:16-18, & 1 John 3:1-3

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