Monday, September 9, 2024

Personal Prayer


    There is power in prayer.  Unless you learn how to pray on a personal level, then you will never be able to see the power in prayer.  Prayer unlocks your ability to see what God is doing in your life.  It gives you discernment to know who is safe to open up to or who may need you.
    When you learn how to pray in a personal way, you are more open to corporate prayer.  You don't need anyone to pray for you, but praying over you is always good.  Coming together in fellowship to pray is intimate.  It strengthens the church and brings people closer.
    Pray has the power to protect.  It reveals hidden truth.  It brings sin into the light.  It replaces fear with awe and praise.  Prayer is your precious communication with God.  It is something you have to practice for it to feel natural.  It is how you get to know God as more than just knowledge, but as an actual relationship.
    When you pray over cleansing, you find purity.  What ever you are searching for, ask God.  Whatever you think you need in life, go to God about it.  He will give it to you or redirect you to see what you actually need.  Prayer reveals the truth about your heart and mind as it enriches your life.
    Prayer is an act of obedience.  If you are a Christian, then you should want to pray.  However, there are times when you do not.  You have to pray anyway to be obedient to God.  He never closes the door on you, do not close the door on Him.  
    All sin is against God.  It is what distances you from Him.  It can't be hidden.  The more you try to hide your sin the worse it will be when it is revealed to other people.  Instead choose to face your sin, give it to Jesus, and allow Him to take it from you.  Once you are cleansed from your sin you become holy, righteous, and have a heart of gratitude.  

Psalm 139:23-24, Daniel 2:17-23, Matthew 6:7-15, & Philippians 4:6-7

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