Sunday, October 13, 2024



    Alarmed in Hebrew is mevohel (מבוהל).  It is used in the terms of being shocked or shaken.  In Greek it is Anisychiménos (Ανησυχημένος).  It is used in terms of to worry or afraid of something.  It references being startled, in a state of terror, and horror.  In the Bible alarmed is to be terrified or amazed.  It actually derived from the Greek word ekthambeō.  So like English, there are a lot of words in other languages that can reference similar things.
    Jesus warmed not to be deceived.  That means you need to know and understand core truth.  This is truth that does not change.  There are no gray areas.  Many people call themselves Christians or followers of Jesus, but they come with their own purpose and agenda.  You need to know who Jesus really is so that you will not be deceived.
    If you allow people to deceive you, then you are vulnerable to war, mischief in your life, and destruction of peace.  However, Jesus also said do not be alarmed.  This has to take place when the time is right.  Nations will go against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms.  The Earth will battle itself with earthquakes and storms.  It will be a time when everything alive will suffer, but it is the beginning of the end.
     The evening Jesus was arrested, he took all his apostles except Judas to the Garden of Gethsemane.  He ordered them to sit and pray.  Then, he took Peter, James, and John a little further to watch over him.  Maybe because they were the leaders among the 12 or maybe the human relationship was closer with those three.  
    They had had a great meal and it was late.  They all fell asleep.  They didn't seem to notice that Jesus was deeply troubled and distressed.  They should have been alarmed.  They should have stayed alert, but they didn't realize that everything was changing.  They didn't understand that their whole world would change in a few short hours.  None of us live in a state of alarm because we never know when things will change in an instant.
    We are not to be alarmed by trials in life.  If something strange happens, then find your joy in seeking His glory.  If you are insulted for following Jesus, then consider yourself blessed.  If you suffer for sins, then you are receiving your judgment.  That should bring shame.  However, if you suffer in Jesus' name, then it is a privilege.  It means you will not face judgment like the world.  Allow that to encourage you to trust God and act in a manner that He finds pleasing.  He will never fail you.  Rejoice in that truth without shame.
Mark 13:5-8, 14:32-33, 1 Peter 4:12-19

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      Alarmed in Hebrew is  mevohel ( מבוהל).  It is used in the terms of being shocked or shaken.  In Greek it is Anisychiménos (Ανησυχημέν...