Monday, December 23, 2024

Christmas Redemption


    The theology behind Christmas is that Jesus came to save .  He came to rescue people and be our ransom for everyone who will believe.  Jesus the is truth about redemption.  His gift of Salvation is offered year around.  You just have to accept it with the openness of a child.
    You may ask why do I need redemption?  That is an important question to ask.  You need to understand your need for redemption.  You have to see that you are a slave to sin.  The human moral and spiritual nature seeks something more, but the life of sin is all people know.  It takes something supernatural to get us to see the need for something different and actually take action.
    Sin is a reality of life.  It curses us to death.  Humans never needed to die, but we got in our own way.  The wages of sin has always been death.  It has always drove distance between people and God.  You are only as close to God as you want to be.  The more you choose obedience out of love the closer you will be to Him, but the more you choose yourself the further you will be.  
    Since the first sin, it has always required blood to have redemption.  Jesus came to be that last blood sacrifice.  Now we only need faith and a repentant heart to have our sins removed.  We deserve whatever we get in life, no one is the exception but Jesus.  He took all that we deserved onto himself, so that we have the opportunity to avoid a spiritual death.

Matthew 1:18-25, 2:7-11, & Ephesians 1:7-8

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