Tuesday, December 24, 2024

God's Design for Christmas


    God's design for Christmas was to present His son to the world in His own way.  If we do Christmas God's way, then it would not be about going into debt to give gifts that people don't really need.  You give out of love from what you have.  You stop and remember Jesus and ask God what you can give back.  The response probably will not be material things.
    The point of Christmas is to remember your relationship with God and be thankful for the sacrifice He made to have that relationship with you.  He gave up His son Jesus to the world, so that you can have an intimate relationship with Him.  He also wants you to have close human relationships too.  Sin poisons all relationships.  It will distract you from the what really matters: Jesus.  
    Christmas is the time of year to regroup and reevaluate your year.  Take a look at your life and attitude to decide what you can sacrifice for a closer relationship with God.  Sin leads to death.  A true relationship with Jesus leads to life.  A life led by sin never changes, but a life led by Jesus can change every aspect of your life.
    Redemption requires submission and humility.  You have to see sin for what it is.  You have to believe that Jesus is God in a human body.  You have to see value in other people.  It can take time to learn to love people like Jesus loved them, but it is something every Christian is required to learn.
    Jesus came into this world in the most humble way to start from the point of impact.  He was born to be a servant to people.  He came to show us the way.  His life was in a manner that would connect with the most people.  
    Throughout his life you never read about him giving grand gifts.  He gave of himself, healing, food, and other necessities.  We can learn how to give gifts this Christmas from Jesus.  We can connect with the truth that he came to redeem not make people rich and powerful.  He came to show us how to live humbly and as a servant to the world, not to be served.
    Jesus came and broke the chains of sin.  If we are tied down by sin it is because we allow it to be that way.  We can escape if we allow ourselves to walk in faith.  There is nothing wrong with having money.  It makes life easier, but it does matter what you do with what you have.  Break the chains that hold you back this Christmas.  Take the time tonight to read the Christmas story and really read it.  Don't just skim it because it is a story that you know, but let new aspects sink in.

Matthew 2:7-11 & Mark 10:41-45

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