Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas Promise


    The Christmas promise is the promise of opportunity to have redemption.  It is the province of God to give the world His son.  The fulfillment of that promise is why we have Christmas.  It is a free gift to anyone who accepts it.  When you accept Jesus' gift of salvation, you receive righteousness.
    We all have the choice to live in God's glory or to stay in our sin and reject His gift.  God will never force you to accept His generosity, but you can't expect the rewards if you don't accept the gift.  Jesus was born a human, but he was already God.  To follow him is to walk into eternal life or glory.  To go your own route marches you right into hell.  
    When you choose to believe the truth about Jesus's birth, life, death, resurrection, and his return one day, you choose salvation from your own destruction.  Sin separates you from God, but following Jesus brings you closer everyday.  Your faith will make you are part of that family and you will never be alone again.  
    You are adopted which means chosen and loved unconditionally.  Jesus replaced death with eternal life.  It is a privilege.  He shows you how to love.  God brings you into the perfect family.  The Holy Spirit empowers you to live the best life you can life.  Appreciate your Christmas present.

Matthew 2:7-11 & Galatians 4:4-7

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