Thursday, December 26, 2024

Turn to God


    To turn to God is to surrender your will to His will.  You life is not always just about what you want.  You have a purpose beyond yourself.  The point is to choose Him in all circumstances.  If you turn away from God just because life does not go your way, then you are showing that your faith was superficial.
    Faith is the battle between being self-centered versus selfless to follow Jesus and choosing to follow Jesus no matter what.  To follow Jesus, you must deny yourself.  The Bible never said it would come natural to turn to God.  It just said the gift of salvation was free.  
    The universe does not revolve around you.  This world doesn't care about you.  Even in your own family, you are on your own sometimes.  To know and understand your purpose, you need to learn how to fast and pray.  It is the only way to draw closer to God.  To turn to God is to follow Him as He directs you.  
    It is time to seek wisdom.  It is there for the taking.  It does change your life.  It is easier to be a simpleton or simpleminded, but not nearly as fulfilling in life.  Do not mock what you do not understand.  Do not be a fool and hate the truth.  Choose to turn to God by listening to the Holy Spirit and become wise.
    As the New Year approaches, it is a good time to figure out how you can turn to God in a new way.  What does selfless faith look like in your life.  Jesus has showed us how to love, give generously, hold onto gratitude, and to learn how to deny yourself.  What do you need to fast and pray about to change for the upcoming year?  What ideas and priorities work against you that you may need to submit or reshape?

Proverbs 1 :20-23 & Matthew 16:24-28

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