Friday, December 27, 2024

Bold Faith Part 2


    Two years ago today I wrote about bold faith.  If you are trying to walk closely with God, then you are always growing and expanding.  I want to expand on what God has been teaching me about bold faith in the last two years.
    Bold faith is faith that you live our for the world to see.  It is unapologetic for following Jesus.  A great example is Peter.  Peter got himself into all sorts of trouble for his bold faith, but he acted.  He wasn't worried about consequences until after his impulse to do whatever Jesus asked.  Peter was bold and impulsive, but that enabled him to speak out and do things that other people could not or would not do.
    To live out bold faith is to live out what you learn about what concerns God.  Your heart has to be in the right place for you to be open and obedient to God's lessons.  When you learn what God cares about, then it becomes your responsibility to act on it.  Bold faith requires standing firm and sometimes alone.  You don't get the luxury to hide.  It takes maturity to get to bold faith that does not buckle.
    Moses was a spokesman for God.  He spoke against a government that was hurting his people.  That took bold faith.  Jeremiah was a bold prophet even though he was young.  Noah may have been a drunk, but he always did as God commanded.  Abraham was a liar, but his faith made him father of nations.  He is even known as the father of faith.  David was a murderer and adulterer, but he had a heart that led to bold faith.  Jacob was a liar, but his faith made things happen. 
    No one is perfect.  We all have major issues with sin, but if you are obedient and willing, then you can also live our bold faith.  You have a choice to obey or turn and walk away forfeiting all the blessings that God has intended for you personally.  God can use your weaknesses to make you strong.  You just have to put the excuses away.

Matthew 16:21-28 & John 20:18-25

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