Saturday, December 28, 2024

Bold Faith Part 3


    Through the power of God, we all have the ability to do great things.  If you are willing to follow God boldly and faithfully, then you can see Him work in your life in ways you never imagined.  You just need to be willing to allow God to use you in whatever way He sees fit.
    God uses angels as messengers and warriors, but their job description belongs in the supernatural world.  He calls you to be His messenger in this world.  The message is always the same: the good news of Jesus and how to follow him.
    To be bold does not mean that you do not have fear.  It means that you do not allow fear to silence your or cripple your life.  If you stop looking at the circumstances and the what if games in your mind, then you can focus on Jesus.  He is powerful enough to bring you peace in chaos.  If you focus on your journey with Jesus, then he can turn your fear into peace of mind and heart.
    The truth about humans is that we speak boldly about what we deeply believe in life.  If you are not able to speak boldly about your faith, then it reveals that you have doubts and things you are working through.  That is okay as long as you keep moving closer to Jesus.  The speed you grow in faith depends on how much quality time you spend with God and then put what you learn into action.
    Life is always changing.  Nothing ever stays the same forever.  To be bold is to be able to ride the waves of life confidently because you know Jesus is there with you.  You allow the Holy Spirit to guide your movements and follow His lead.  You do this because you know He cares.  
    If you do not feel bold, but want to become bold, then start with the small things.  As the New Year approaches, decide when and how long you are going to spend in God's Word.  Put it in your scheduler, so that it is in print that you are carving out time with God.  
    Prayerfully start doing small things for other people.  Be willing to do things that make you uncomfortable and that are inconvenient for you.  Nothing will ever change in your comfort zone.  Start sharing with other people what God is teaching you, showing you, and showing up for you.  Share your testimony as it unfolds, but just in a grand way.

John 20:19-23, Acts 4:8-12, & Ephesians 3:12-13

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