Sunday, December 29, 2024

Owning Your Worship


    When it comes to worship, you have to take ownership.  It is not the music director's or the pastor's responsibility to drag it out of you.  When you come to church, you should be in the attitude of worship.  They only enhance the experience.  Worship is an act of respect, submission, or homage to God.  You put yourself in a state of focus and ready to respond to God.
    Owning your Worship is expecting God to be there when you open His Word.  You are in the mindset to focus on your relationship with him and listen to what He has to say to you today.  You pray over what you read and see the wonders reveal themselves.  It is not expecting everything to be good all the time, but preparing and being ready for when they are not.
    To be able to own your own worship is to align your heart to wanting to please and be close to God.  David did a lot of bad things.  He was not a great father, he had way too many wives, and family drama that he did not take charge of.  However, his heart was aligned with God and he could be in a state of worship at any moment: good and bad times.
    You may ask yourself what God can do with me?  He can do anything that you allow Him to do in your life.  God is great.  He had a unique relationship with His people (all Jesus followers).  He can work among doubters and unbelievers.  Where are you in your walk with Jesus right now?  Is your true heart ready to follow no matter what?  Are you struggling with some issues?  This is what God is waiting for you to come to him about.  He is ready to address any issue with you.

Psalm 59:14-17 & Isaiah 40:12-18

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